Explorers get their own set of uniform to wear during meetings and on trips away. Usually, this consists of a beige shirt or blouse with their badges sewn on, which they pair with their Unit scarf – if they’re an independent Unit - or Group scarf, if their Unit is merged with a Scout Troop. This will vary slightly if your Explorer Unit is part of the Air Scouts or Sea Scouts.
Alongside their shirts, Explorers might wear the accompanying blue uniform trousers, or they might save their uniform bottoms to wear for special occasions like awards ceremonies and public events – choosing to wear something more casual with their shirt during the week. Optional accessories such as hats, hoodies, are also available. They can wear an Explorer Belt and buckle or Explorer Scout Young Leader Buckle if either of these has been awarded. Neckers are usually provided by the Explorer Scout Leader. The Explorer Flag is olive green, bearing the Scout symbol and Motto.
Shop the full range of Explorer Uniform and Accessories here: Explorer Scouts Uniform | Explorers | Official Shop
Essential (One of the Following):
Explorer Scouts Official Short Sleeve Uniform Shirt Scouts Sections
Explorer Scouts Official Long Sleeve Uniform Shirt - Key Element Scouts Sections
Explorer Scout Short Sleeve Blouse Scouts Sections
Explorer Scouts Long Sleeve Official Uniform Blouse Scouts Sections
Kids Activity Trousers: Official Scouting Activity Trousers for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts Navy Scouts Sections
Adult Activity Trousers: Official Scouts Uniform Activity Trousers for Men - Sizes 30" - 60" Scouts Sections / Scouts Uniform Activity Trousers for Ladies- Sizes 8 - 36 Scouts Sections
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