Air and Sea Scouts can either wear a shirt : Air / Sea Scouts Official Long Sleeve Uniform Shirt - Key Element Scouts Sections
Or a Blouse : Air / Sea Scouts Long Sleeve Uniform Blouse - Key Uniform Scouts Sections
Air/ Sea Scouts
Items of official uniform
- Light blue long sleeve shirt or blouse
- Smart navy blue trousers or skirt:
Official Scouts Uniform Activity Trousers for Men - Sizes 30" - 60" Scouts Sections
Scouts Uniform Activity Trousers for Ladies- Sizes 8 - 36 Scouts Sections
Official Scouting Activity Trousers for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts Navy Scouts Sections - Group scarf and woggle (scarf usually provided by the group)
- Leather Scout belt and buckle - Scout Uniform Belt and Buckle Set Scouts Sections
Sea Scouts
Items of official uniform:
- Dark blue jersey - Sea Scout Jersey Scouts Sections
- Light blue long sleeve shirt or blouse
- Smart navy blue trousers or skirt
Official Scouting Activity Trousers for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts Navy Scouts Sections
Official Scouts Uniform Activity Trousers for Men - Sizes 30" - 60" Scouts Sections
Scouts Uniform Activity Trousers for Ladies- Sizes 8 - 36 Scouts Sections - Group scarf and woggle (scarf usually provided by the group)
- Leather Scout belt and buckle - Scout Uniform Belt and Buckle Set Scouts Sections
- Seaman’s Class 2 round cap with ‘Sea Scout’ tally band - Sea Scout Cap Scouts Sections
Optional items in accordance with the Group :
- Lanyard (worn only with Bosun’s call)
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